I've been presented with a few options for New Years activities.Option 1: Stay in NY and go to some lame club that's hosting a party
OROption 2: Fly to Cayman Islands with a bunch of hot, single girlfriends and party
Here's a snapshot of what my day/night would be like in each locale, hopefully this will help me decide what to do:December 31st11 a.m. NY:Awake lying in bed with the sweats praying to the lord that if he'll just help you to not puke (after your night of binge drinking since you had the day off anyway) you promise to go to temple more and you'll try not to eat shrimp even though they make such good shrimp tempura rolls at the Japanese place. Then the thought of shrimp tempura makes you puke anyway.11 a.m. CaymansFinish up a healthy and tasty breakfast of fresh island fruit served on your hotel balcony overlooking the ocean, with the soundtrack of waves crashing just a few feet away.1 p.m. NY Decide to peel your gross, smelly, puke-in-your-hair self off the couch to shower and get your day started.1 p.m. CaymansDecide to put on an extra coat of sunblock since the sun is really shining in 80 degree, cloudless, breezy weather.3 p.m. NY:Shell out $40 for one of those Mystic spray tans that you always end up ingesting and probably causes cancer to mask the pasty, haven't-seen-the-sun-in-months, neon-white glow you've got going on on those legs in case you want to wear a skirt tonight.3 p.m. CaymansShell out $6 for some firm, tanned island boy to bring you dry towels after your dip in the crystal clear water of the Caribbean. Then joke with friends on the proper pronunciation; is it Caribbean like one syllable or Ca-rib-bean like the Disney ride? Ha, ha, doesn't matter -- we're here.4 p.m. NY: Fight through crowds returning unwanted, ill fitting Christmas gifts to get the perfect sparkly outfit to wear out to the club, but they are out of your size, so you buy the less-than-perfect-but-will-do, totally overpriced sparkly dress.
4 p.m. Caymans:
Wrap a sarong around your hips and take a stroll along the water's edge as you contemplate what type of fresh fish you'll have for dinner.
6 p.m. NY:
Start getting dressed, change hair four times cause it's not curling just right and as you go to grab the bottle of hairspray you spill eyeshadow on your sparkly dress and have to resort to less-cute, already-worn, boring party dress.
6 p.m. Caymans:
Sit with the girls and flirt with bartender as we watch the sunset with tropical drinks in our hands.
9 p.m. NY
Head out in freezing cold temps to house party for pre-drinking since club doesn't open till 11.
9 p.m. Caymans:
Pop over to local bar situated on beach with tiki torches lighting the path to the outdoor NYE bash.
11 p.m. NY
Stand in insanely long line while beefy bouncers check ID before you have the honor of handing over $150 to get into overcrowded, too-small club, where drinks will cost you $20 bucks a pop and that's if you can get through the thousand people to reach the bar.
11 p.m. Caymans
Party's getting going as happy tourists wearing very little clothing dance under the stars.
Midnight NY
Drunk-ass party-goers start the countdown a full 2 minutes early as you try to find the creepy guy who's been grinding up behind you since you got there so you at least have a New Year's kiss.
Midnight Caymans
Share a hot make out session with the buff Brazilian tourist dude with the great accent you met at the pool earlier in the day.
I'll give this one a good think... but dollars to donuts, I'm pretty sure I'll see you when I'm back from the Caymans biatch!