The Ettes breakdown of the Best EVERYTHING about 2007...
- Kvetchette is B O R N -- from a dream to a reality literally overnight. 2007 is automatically dubbed best year ever.
- Paris Hilton went to jail and cried about it; and her new role is of global ambassador to all things good, of course all good things happen in between swinging from chandeliers in Germany whilst pitching her champagne-in-a-can. We love multi-taskers.
- Pretty much everything Britney. Let her drama be born and die with 2007; 2008 is for drama that doesn't involve razors and leaving your assistant at a gas station.
- Ette2 went to the chapel (figuratively) and got mawwied (literally).
- Anna Nicole dies and the world goes into shock - how? why? it's so sad?! Hmm...let's see; drug abuse, a series of questionable and quite frankly scary relationships with slimy old men (and screwball lawyers), the inability to form a sentence without slurring words, did we mention loads of public inebriation stunts? Had an evil mom to boot, which we know always sweetens the crazy-pot.
- VJ made a comeback, bigtime. First it was the "D*ck in a Box" retort, "Box in a Box," followed by months and months of vagina-speak. What body part will reign in '08? I'm voting for the Cankle. Who has it, who's getting it, where it was seen out last night...
- The Beckham's move stateside, and we become obsessed, if for but a moment, with seeing Posh in person to determine if she is indeed human or the result of a third-world lab specimen hoax.
- The Year of the Baby Bump! Everyone's doing it! Knocked up, Juno, J-Lo, Nicole, B-Nasty, it's du rigour to be unwed, do the dirty with any random peanut, gain weight, pop out child and continue to go about your bidddness like nothing has changed. Now what would make 2008 a really fantastic year is if one of such celebs (like say, Paris) gets knocked up and then ends up giving birth to septuplets. THAT would be icing, baby.
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