We've all been there. Whether it was a yeast infection (thanks, B.C. pills), diarrhhea, dandruff..there are certain 'conditions' that should remain private. Like, it makes me uncomfortable when the guy in front of me in line is carrying a box of condoms AND a jar of Blue Star Ointment (with it's fun commercial tag line, "Jock itch! Ring worm! Psoriasis! Even cures fleas and ticks!!") There are some things that should just remain private. The imagery I often leave CVS with is just plain wrong.
Now, don't get me wrong. We all have ailments. And I am no stranger to them. But isn't there a more discreet way of purchasing certain products than standing in line with 20 strangers, (all who check out your purchases in moments of hostile judgment), and then be rung up by a 17-year old high-school geek who's checking out your Monistat box and then staring at you in disbelief, as if you just walked up to his register with boils or locusts crawling all over you or something. And then to make matters worse, there's always some behind-counter debate surrounding embarrassing products. Like when the two cashiers start a conversation while you are being rung up; "Hey Shirley, is it the Monistat that's on sale this week or is it the VAGistat?" You know what? I don't care about the stupid 50 cents I'll save. Just put the damn thing in the bag and shut up. And thank you for sharing with all my fellow shoppers the status of my VJ.
The grocery stores have gone high tech, offering self-service check out lines. These offer good opportunities to get free produce (you know, saying you have 2 avocados when you really have three) but more importantly it offers you the freedom of not having to feel judged buying 16 Entenmann's cakes, 3 gallons of ice cream and Star magazine. Why can't drugstores follow suit? I want an "Embarrassing Items Self-Checkout Line" at my local drugstore. No more dirty looks with my Tampax and greeting card purchases. No more judgments passed when I am buying diarrhea pills for husbandette. Just privacy for those moments meant to be mine and mine alone.
Talk amongst yourselves...
1 comment:
Just for the record, that was arse-cream, unknown rash cream, athlete's foot cream and ice cream that I had you pick up for me a CVS last week.
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