I hate people sometimes. I should definitely stay far away from things like jobs in the service industry because I just. don't. like. people. They piss me off. Like today for instance...do you ever just sit back and look at your peers or your coworkers or your business partners or whatever freaky group of people you surround yourself with and just think, all of you suck and you are stupid and I am smart and it kills me to put this smile on my face? No? Just me? You are a bunch of liars.
This week is definitely an "I hate people" week. A variety of reasons, sure. And no, I will not go into detail because who knows who reads this blog. But if you had to deal with me this week? I may hate you too. At least temporarily.
If I could change 3 things about people that drive me bananas....
1) Lying, and the lying liars who lie. Blatant, outright, in your face liars should be thrown to the sharks. Lying is for losers. Truth is cool.
2) Time is money. Don't waste my time and I won't waste yours. Waste my time, however, and I will invoice you for every post-it note your stupid job made me use.
3) Passive aggressive behavior followed by little spurting laughter or uncomfortable giggles. OMG, I am going to tear out my eyeballs, I swear to god.
For more on hating, check out:
If any of our readerettes have any hatred to get off their chest, share it here, or forever hold your pissing anger.
Man, you guys a so bipolar.
Also, this blog is bananas, b a n a n a s
I couldn't agree more. I hate most of my co-workers, my boss, my bosses boss, the stupid corporate America, where which I work!
They're nothing but a bunch of naggin, stuck up,two-faced, annoying, fat ugly liars!
Kudos to you for venting the truth..Wow, what therapy that was!
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