What's with this 'snow days for school kids' crap? F that. If the government, or the school district, or God, or whoever makes the decision that the weather is too inclement for kiddies to get to school and spend 8 hours bettering themselves by learning and becoming productive members of society, than why should I go to work?? I mean, I've already proven that I'm a productive member of society. I donated money to Barack the Vote. I wince when I see a dead animal in the road, and I hold a little memorial service for it in my head (unless it's a rat or something, then I'm like, 'Ah! Good riddance rat!') I pay my taxes, even if I squirm while doing it. I once helped a very old person get to his apartment, from like 6 blocks away. So why should I risk my life to go out into the environs on a snowy, slick, maybe icy, maybe just too cold for my liking, maybe poor visibility kind of day? Shouldn't I be protecting my welfare? Staying off the treacherous roads?
Screw that, that's what I say. I'm working from home today. I didn't have the chram to call in sick and actually not work at all, so I'm "working from home." In my jammies. Haven't brushed the teeth yet, even. Staring out at the snow, which is now raindrops, which would have been perfectly acceptable (albeit messy) get-to-work weather.
Oh well.
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