All the stoners I know are like "poor Michael Phelps, it's not fair, he's a kid he should be able to get high without the world knowing about it" blah blah.
Um no, Michael Phelps is stupid. He has million dollar + endorsements from major brands like Kellogs, Speedo, Hilton Hotels, etc. You think the people at Kellogs are excited that their wheeties guy is toking on every major newspaper in the world?! No they are not. That sends a bad message to the kiddies. (Despite the fact that Frosted Flakes makes an excellent snack when you've got the munchies - so I've heard) Hilton probably doesn't care, they have no reputation thanks to Paris but the other guys do for sure.
What is he thinking blazing on a college campus with iphone cameras all around? If someone is paying you a lot of money to look like a wholesome athlete then you get high by yourself, locked in your room with the drapes drawn and a towel under the door like a normal person.
As my br-ette would say, that move was bush-league. Poor form MP. But you have a standing invite to come hang out at my place, bring the bong.
Yes he was a little 'dopey'. But what of it? Most of the followup press and op-eds seem to be chastising the 'News of The World" for both publishing this and for making it out to be a big deal.
I suspect that most people of any intelligence will be likely be thinking: 'so what?- He is clearly a superior physical specimen and also pretty bright. And he doesn't want to ruin his body with evil alcohol so this is the best solution for a little R&R'
btw mike - don't bogart that joint ok??
honestly, who can blame the guy? in less than 23 years of life he has accomplished more than most people can claim in their entire lives, and has worked harder at it than most people can even understand. however, his discretion could be better, but hey, he's only 23! at least he's not into the nose candy...
Broette2 says, "And let's allllll be honest. Can you imagine the bong rip that guy can pull??? With that lung capacity, I bet that guy makes Woody Harrelson and Tommy Chong look like amateurs!"
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