This weekend marked an important milestone in Ette1's life. Her booty-shakin' days officially had their last major, unmarried hurrah on Saturday night, in cheesy, tacky, and altogether PERFECT Atlantic City. If you're gonna go out, go out with a bang, right?!
The girls hit the road Sat morning and everything went off without a hitch. We started the car ride with a few repeat plays of the best song on earth, Don't Be Tardy for the Party by Atlanta Housewife Kim. Pretty much the best song ever written. It took my group about 2 hours and 14 minutes to actually find Lincoln Tunnel and get OUT of NYC...I'm not really sure who's responsible for the detour signs navigating you toward the tunnel, but they should stop smokin' the reefer. We did no fewer than 4 major circles, as if we were sort of in a vortex spiral making our way to the mother ship. I mean, seriously. It shouldn't be that hard to get out of the city. What if there were a nuclear attack? Ette1's bachelor-ette's would be dead. Gonzo.
Once we arrived in AC it was another feat finding the parking garage. We decided to be frugal and self-park, b/c seriously, we're tough, and we can shlep our own overnight bags a few extra feet, right? We self-parked for $5 (could have stayed for 6 months and still would have only paid $5, btw) and then Ette1 led us on a scary, trek through stairwells better left for hookers and homeless people. I think there was actually a hooker and a homeless person making out when we entered the stairwell. (Business is not so good, I guess). Ette1, I hope that Pants has a better sense of directional intuition than you do, and can keep you out of harms way, because a pretty young Jewcy thang like yourself should not be opening dank, urine-stained unmarked doors. Ever.
Finally, we entered the Tropicana. Oh, glorious Tropicana, where do I begin? Your musty aroma? Your crazy, overweight clientele? Your fake potted plants? Seriously, Trop...you are a brilliant establishment and we loved every moment of our stay. Ahem. Cough. So without boring you with the gory details...Ette1 was showered with love, penis toys, sexy panties, garters, and champagne. She danced her tuchus. Ette1 felt the empowering, cool metal feel of a stripper pole beneath her virgin palms, as she test drove what it would feel like to be a slut-ette. Granted, she kept her clothes on, but she really enjoyed it because she hopped up there a couple times to show us what was up.
Overall, many lessons were learned throughout the weekend, and I'll share a few of them with you now:
1) Tequila is for SURE the way to go. No hangover. Shot after shot, and we all felt pretty great Sunday morning.
2) Girls from Long Island should not be in Atlantic City. Especially not if they are from "Sigh-ahhh-setttt." They have their own casino, right? They should go to Foxwood's. At least that's what we think after lots of shots of tequila.
3) Crazy people love casinos. And I think casinos thrive off crazy people.
4) Being told by a pedi-cab driver that we could get that t-shirt we're admiring in the window for even less money by "Jewing them down" makes you feel kind of gross. And just reminds us that we're glad we don't live in Atlantic City.
and last but not least...
5) Pants is one lucky man. Because Ette1 is not only one hot mama who knows how to work it on the dance floor; she's a major doll, a funny gal, and a stellar friend.
Love ya girl. One month to go!
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