So we know Kvetchette has had a little bit of dust on it, lately -- Ette1 was busy getting married off into the Miller clan, and I've just been...well, busy with life's have-tos and what-nots -- and we fully intend to get back on the horse and bring you the funny. We're just taking a breather, because honestly, none of you are loyal readers anyway, so if you don't care about us why should we care about you?
Well in my time away from the site I guess I hadn't noticed that our one lonely Google ad (that by the way, has netted us no money, so I don't even know why I am doing them any favors putting their name on my blog, we all know Google ain't putting my name on THEIR blog, so...), anyway, our one lonely Google ad featured this brilliant product, above.
Thai Brides? Seriously, Googles? This is the best you can provide me with? Have you wasted ALL the good thumbnail ads on more important people? All the Snuggie ads? I'll even take an old Girls Gone Wild promo! But seriously, Thai Brides?? What about Kvetchette says to Googles computer generated ad-placement, mail order brides from friggin Thailand?
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