So Saturday Pants and I reached two major milestones. One is sweet and I'll keep between us, and the other is that he did laundry. Before I tell you what went wrong with that, I’ll preface by saying Pants is actually very handy. He’s always tidying around the house and cleaning up after dinners and food shopping etc – so I really have very few complaints. Well that’s not true, I complain a lot, but in general I’m very happy with him. But the one thing he doesn’t do is laundry. He ships it out, he buys new stuff, he steals my socks, he basically does whatever it takes to avoid laundry, but yesterday in a bizzaro moment he figured he needed to wash some work clothes so he took the plunge. Of course we share a hamper so my stuff is mixed in along with other things we both use like towels and sheets, etc. But when he separated everything he didn’t do it by color, he washed all of his clothes in one load and all of my stuff plus twelve towels in another. The thinking was he'll keep his stuff pure and unadulterated by my dirty clothes and towels - which meant his little load was light and airy, and mine was giant and overstuffed - making it impossible to really get clean. And of course when he dried them, his things were perfectly fluffed and bone dry; my stuff wrapped around two weeks worth of towels was sopping wet and starting to gain mold. And instead of running them through the dryer once more, he brings it up for me to fold. Needless to say, they went back downstairs for another tumble, but not until some cross words were exchanged. And this got me to thinking about men and chores. The truth is they totally, intentionally, do a bad job at household chores so that you get so annoyed at having to repair or re-do the job that you end up asking them not to do it in the first place. Well I'm not playing that game - now that he got a taste for laundry I think it should be his weekly job, and I don't care how much I need to nag to get it done right, I'm willing to take on that role! I hate laundry, I'll scrub the toilet with a Q-tip any day over folding socks and sheets. So thanks Pants for getting all our pants and panties clean - much appreciated!
A few words of wisdown...
1. Boyfriends who are made to do laundry and other other assorted chores rarely becomes fiances because they have inadvertantly learned the primary rule of marriage, which is that marriage stinks.
2. You are wise, Ette1, we men do intentionally screw up household chores so that we will be absolved of the duty going forward. BRAVO!
Well Ette1 - I bet that the last time YOU changed the oil in the car you left the oil plug loose, causing oil to leak out and eventually allowing the engine to seize up. So you see - it's all relative.
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