As H-ette and I don't actually have anywhere to move TO, we have ordered one of these POD contraptions that they drop off at your crib and you load it at your leisure. Then they come and take it away and store that puppy somewhere safe until you know where the hell in life you'll end up. I accepted H-ette's dismissal of my original idea, but I draw the line at lifting heavy things. Welcome, Moving Help. This concept is sheer brillz. You need manual labor? Well fear not - you no longer have to go down to the local 7-11 parking lot at 5 am to hire illegal Mexicans. Now, for the low, introductory rate of about $35 bucks an hour, you can legally hire dudes who come with references to come do your dirty work. They'll just show up and "carry" heavy things out of your house. Or drive your truck for you if you rented a UHaul and are scared of making right turns in that bad boy.
Now I know this isn't rocket science in terms of idea-quality, because we lazy humans have "hired help" willing to do just about anything. File our nasty toenails, scrub our dirty toilets, wash the poo stains out of our undies...but now, you too can have your very own schlepper.
All I know is this sorta sounds like I get more "me" time, and that is really all I care about anyway.
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