...to say thank you to our readerettes.
It's not often we recognize our readers for their support - every once in a while we bust your boobs for your cruel comments, but truthfully we love every minute of it, and even more truthfully, we don't like half of you enough to "formally" acknowledge you. However, for the constituency we do love, we know that if it weren't for you, we would be posting our gripes out in the infinite-ness of cyberspace with no destination. So, in preparation for the BlogEmmy we might one day win thanks to our witty cynicism and hysterical banter, I'd like to accept this (faux) award on our behalf.
(please close your eyes, if you will, and imagine I am wearing something fabulously hot - like a Members Only jacket. And some Louboutins of course. I am walking up to the podium...oh...oops, I tripped, hold on...I'm back up, every thing's okay, I make it to the mic):
"We'd like to thank our our loyal fans. Kvetchette would not be possible if it weren't for you all finding the humor and relavence in the images we steal from other sites, and appreciating the constant bitch-roll we work hard to provide. We'd like to thank our families, who love hearing our kvetches, and are eternally grateful we've put our bitching to good use. There is nothing more rewarding in life than calling your pops and having him tell you he almost spit up his after-lunch Snapple at one of your genius observations about taxi drivers. Or President Googles. The same goes for bro-sef or sis-ette. Or mother-in-law-ette. Because it's really all about family. We may kvetch so you don't have to, but we kvetch more so so you don't have to hear us kvetch to you personally anymore. And that's the damn truth. Throw in a little boobs, butt and even VJ and we've found the recipe for success and longevity. Thank you, readerettes!! Keep the love comin'!"
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