Work is crazy and you know how I like to just like to "delegate" to my direct reports, so I spend my days bossing people around but leaving most of the actual work to them... Well half of those bitches are taking vacation or too busy with other other things so it freaking falls to me to get it done which, for obvious reasons, is not making me happy. But you know what did make me happy today? Pants! He came by the office to deliver me flowers for our 4 year (not counting the six months we broke up) anniversary.
The reason I post this is tri-fold:
1. To thank him (without having to actually do something for him in return)
2. To make all you other people who didn't get flowers feel jealous
3. To post something without having to really think about a funny idea since I'm too busy to deal right now
The moral of this story is, when you guys are having a rough week, just stop to smell the flowers. They are at my desk. They are mine, so don't get all up close and put your body on them. In fact, don't smell - just look at them and enjoy.
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