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Let's talk about what's wrong with her

- Never been outside the US - um yeah, no problem for her to basically run the free world, Detroit is like Beruit right? When McCain was asked if he thinks she's ready to be president he said "100% yes - plus Obama has never even been to South America!" So what's the point he's making there - you don't have to be world-savvy to be president or you should be - because apparently Obama isn't ready to lead...
- Her kids names: Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper and Trig - that's right Trig - like your most hated math subject.
- Her special needs child especially needed a crib last night, cause it was mighnight and they were still bouncing this poor baby around on stage.
- Palin is governor of Alaska, our least important state.
- The whole being investigated for corruption thing.
- She's CRAZY
- She admits to smoking pot but claims she didn't enjoy it - Um LIAR - everyone enjoys it that's why they make it illegal like all the other good drugs.
Please vote Obama
good job on not being totally offensive, ette1 - i know you were dying to. i was enjoying the real commentary in my head.
You have to admit, though, she's a friggin' SPITFIRE! I am really looking forward to the VP debates...there *are* VP debates, right?
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