It would be un-citizen-like of me to not make a stink about Ms. Palin's educational track record. Britney Spears has a better educational resume than this loserette. I'm curious how this woman has ANY qualifications to be the literal heartbeat away from leader of the free world when it took "Ms. Party-in" SIX YEARS and FIVE SCHOOLS to get her undergraduate degree.
Now, let's talk about this for a minute. Yours truly enjoyed college. I mean ENJOYED college. Sex, drugs and rock and roll style (sorry H-ette, put on your earmuffs). I spent many a night in the local dive bar watering hole, smoking Parliaments and drinking whiskey sours till the last call sirens. I partied with the best (and worst) of them. I had a realization the other day (or maybe just a bad dream, I still can't figure out if it was fact or fiction) that I forgot about a class I was signed up for for an entire semester...just neglected it all together. I sort of think this was a dream, but still. Point is, I smoked a lot of reefer, it does funny things to your memory. AND - I GRADUATED IN FOUR YEARS, WITH HONORS.
People of America - or at the very least, Readerettes...this woman went to school in Hawaii. No one who is serious about anything short of surfing and sex on the beach goes to school in Hawaii. You can put that on the record. Again - she is a HEARTBEAT AWAY FROM THE PRESIDENCY...oh, and she's never left North America. Sweet.
I leave you with that. There's not even a clever punch line I can regurgitate to make this post resonate with you through your lunchtime chicken wrap. This should be good enough. Go to your water cooler, fellow ettes, and discuss.
Now, let's talk about this for a minute. Yours truly enjoyed college. I mean ENJOYED college. Sex, drugs and rock and roll style (sorry H-ette, put on your earmuffs). I spent many a night in the local dive bar watering hole, smoking Parliaments and drinking whiskey sours till the last call sirens. I partied with the best (and worst) of them. I had a realization the other day (or maybe just a bad dream, I still can't figure out if it was fact or fiction) that I forgot about a class I was signed up for for an entire semester...just neglected it all together. I sort of think this was a dream, but still. Point is, I smoked a lot of reefer, it does funny things to your memory. AND - I GRADUATED IN FOUR YEARS, WITH HONORS.
People of America - or at the very least, Readerettes...this woman went to school in Hawaii. No one who is serious about anything short of surfing and sex on the beach goes to school in Hawaii. You can put that on the record. Again - she is a HEARTBEAT AWAY FROM THE PRESIDENCY...oh, and she's never left North America. Sweet.
I leave you with that. There's not even a clever punch line I can regurgitate to make this post resonate with you through your lunchtime chicken wrap. This should be good enough. Go to your water cooler, fellow ettes, and discuss.
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