McDonalds has a strange hold on me.
Our new apartment is a block away from a McD's
I think the proximity to fried goodness is getting to my brain
I think about it
I think about what it would be like to just pop in
Just for fries
Maybe a nugget or two
Most days I can fight the urge, but then I'm flipping through a magazine and there it is
McDonald's ad is on the page
A hot fudge sundae
So inexpensive, so fast, so filling, so tasty
It's calling to me
And I think, I was good today, I had a salad for lunch, it's ok
But my brain prevails, too many calories, processed meat byproduct
Then the only non-gay guy in my office comes strolling in with a big 'ole sack of greasy McD's lunch
No fair
Tonight I couldn't fight it anymore
Nuggets, sweat & sour sauce, fries
So good
New nuggets, no gross hard texture pieces like the old school nugs
Fries, half crispy, half soggy - perfect proportion of both
Food coma
Feel ill
Fat bride
Belly hurts
Curled up
on coach
McDonald's why do you hurt me when I love you so
Those kids look like members of the YSWA - Young Sumo Wrestlers Association. Pretty gross!
Aw, my little McNugget, I'll be sure your Golden Arches don't get so, Grimace-d.
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