Entry from this morning...
I'm standing here in a line that's wrapped around the street, that's merging with another line that is wrapped around the street in the other direction, and as I stand here it becomes increasingly more apparent that my vote doesn't count. All of these UES white people are voting for barak, in fact all of NYC is voting for barak, so I could stand here for one minute or 3 more hours and it won't make a difference in the world. And what's making it worse is that I'm in line with perhaps the most annoying girl in the city who is standing too freaking close and talking too loudly on her cell phone. She's complaining about the line, talking about how "unfair" it is that they put the polling place next to a Dunkin Donuts and how she can't get out of the line to get a donut, and then she goes into her weekend plans. She actually says "yeah we're going to hook up with poo and darby, the two little einsteins, tom and bear." Shut up. And in front of me is the most obnoxious couple, in between kissing ke keeps doing gross things to entertain her, he just squirted coffee between his two front teeth, I almost vomit. Now people are trying to decide which line is which and if there's a difference between them, of course no one knows so now we're all just confused and frustated. Oh lord, I just saw my neighbors from my old apartment, argh I hate them, they never said hi to me. Who does that, who passes someone everyday and doesn't at least give a nod, jerks! I heard everything they did in that place, from screw to breathe basically, which means they heard me and pants, and we're not a quiet duo. So of course they hate me and now its taking al my effort not to look in their direction even though they are inches away. Blech. Oh now some little bald guy is trying to merge the lines, saying this line is for district 68 and this one is for 67 and 62, I'm of course in the wrong line. He informs me I need to move, I inform him that won't be happening, he moves on and I stay. An hour later I vote on a machine built in 1950. But at least I baraked the vote, I hope he appreciates it.
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