Ever see a dress in store that you love but they didn't have your size? So you figure no prob, I'll just go buy it online - but then you search for like a million years and it doesn't freaking exist on the internets?!!? And so then you make your mom and sister call all the Macy's stores in the United States to try to track it down. Do you know what it's like speaking to all the Macy's? Try to imagine, not too many english speakers there, not too many friendly salespeople who are happy to leave the checkout counter to hunt down the dress in question. Just to find that they don't carry it. Well fret no more my friends. Just call Ette2. In a matter of about 5 seconds she'll get you the phone number for the manufacturer, who not only has the dress, but will sell it to you for the wholesale price - half off!!! And all for the rock bottom price of giving her the power to sign your marriage contract. Done and done. Hope I only need one fashion favor from her, because I'm aiming to just get married the one time.
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