So when Ette1 and I started this site, we knew we were going to be an overnight sensation. Thus, we followed all standard blogger protocol including setting up an account with Google Ads, adding a legal notice and installing HTML for a site tracking device.
So far, our Google Ad has netted us zero dollars.
Our legal ad has netted us zero libel suits. (that's the only plus here).
And our site tracker mysteriously disappeared months ago.
Well, due to both our ineptness and our laziness for figuring out how to re-install the thing, we've let it slide. But curiosity struck me now as I wondered just how many tortured, Jewish souls we were touching with our blog. So, bitches - it's back. Mind you, it stopped tracking eons ago, so our 9,000 site visits is completely inaccurate - we are MUCH more loved than that, thank you very much.
But from this moment on, all of your visits count. We're watching you, readerettes. We know when you've been sleeping, when you're reading, how long you stay for. And trust us, we WILL use it against you.
Happy reading.
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