So one of the things that's been stressing me out about my impending nuptuals is who the heck is going to look after our beloved pet while we're basking in the sun for our island wedding. Because she's such a pill and all around not-fun-to-be-around kinda dog, we can only leave her with our closest family. That means momette from time to time, but mostly sisette and that's only as payback for all the bbsitting hours I donate to her. So we're in a bit of a quandry. Any friends and family we're close enough to to ask are coming to the wedding. We stopped into several doggy daycare places that told us she'd have to pass a personality test for them to accept her. Well, there's zero shot of that happening, so that's out. We actually had a not so not serious chat about what if we leave her in the apt with a week's worth of food and spread wee wee pads over the entire place. She doesn't really get along with people anyway and prefers her solitude, so this might be a nice little relaxing break for her. We decided those pesky animal cruelty laws might pose a problem there, so that idea's out.
So I've been asking around and this guy in my office heard of a "Chihuahua man" who apparently specializes in the little terrors. So I call him up and can instantly tell he's a freakshow. He has 6-10 chis to his house at a given time, he gives them the run of the apartment. He lets them sleep in his bed with him and he steams veggies and chicken for all their meals. He set up ramps so they can easily access the couch and bed. I can only imagine what his place looks/smells/sounds like. Oy, so I told him all about our special friend and despite what he's heard, she's in. He also suggested that she'll come back to us more socialized and happy.
So we're signed up. I'm not like some mothers who want to interview or even meet the people who will be caring for her children. All I need is a 5-minute crazy phone convo with incesent barking the background and I'm set. I agreed to pay whatever he asked. And we'll see how it goes, if they get along, maybe we'll let him adopt her, as in aka forget to pick her up and then change our numbers.
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