Sisette dropped off the bb this am so she could go to work early, or go the gym, or just eat breakfast without a 2-year-old putting her fingers in the cereal or something like that. So I babysat for an hour and half while getting my own self ready for work before the nanny showed up to get her. Our time together included making eggies, 45 minutes of trying to get her to eat eggies, bb unscrewing all my makeup tubes and then painting her face and my duvet, cleaning her face and my duvet, individually placing a stack of 100 UNO cards around the living room, yelling at the dog for eating her eggies, picking up 100 UNO cards and then finally, peacefully watching Dora. That’s when the nanny shows up and starts lecturing me about letting the kid watch TV.
Whatevs nanny, maybe in
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