We don't often provide PSA's for restaurants on kvetchette. Come to think of it, we don't often muster up kudos for anything, really, but I'm here today to change all of that, for the sole purpose of giving you a literary taste of my culinary orgasm on Saturday night. It was too f-ing good not to share it.
1 can attest - she was there. Dinosaur BBQ is basically the best thing ever. (Cover your ears, Eema and Abba Shazam) 1 ate pork, and loved every last morsel of its cud-chewing, non-Kashrut conforming, split-hooved flesh.
So while we waited for like three hours to get a table, it was worth every second. Once seated (and after two pint-sized margaritas) we opened the menu and it was like a light from heaven arc'd out of it. The pages were practically illuminated, it was like a gift from heaven - maybe even the Jewish version, I think Billy Crystal would approve so I am okay with it. Pork ribs, beef brisket, bbq'd chicken, pulled pork, oh. my. god. And before I drown you in all that meat-lust, let me tell you about the sides. Oh, the sides. First we had mac & cheese dusted with chili powder, because what's bbq without that?? And then we stuffed our fat faces with baked beans, garlicky salt potatoes, cornbread, cole slaw, fried rice, oh my. It was truly a feast of epic proportions. I don't even remember leaving the restaurant, I think I ended the meal in a culinary coma.
So bottom line, while I can't think of anything funny to tell you about this experience (other than be cautious of the company you will be keeping/waking up next to the morning following a Dinosaur visit, b/c poo will be the only thing on your mind for like 6 hours.) Take my word for it. Now get ye to Dinosaur.
Mom and Dad, she's kidding. I wouldn't eat pork!
Um, everyone ate the table ate EVERYTHING. Yes, even pork ... and fast!
I saw Ette1 try a pork rib and although conflicted at first, she suckled nicely once the taste hit her lips. The don't call 'em crack-ribs for nothin.
No really they are kidding, they just want to see me get in trouble. I love the jew god, I wouldn't disobey.
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