How could I have called someone out like that in my previous post. But you know what? There's no evidence I am referencing myself, it's very possible I was talking about someone who knows someone who knows someone. Or maybe I read it somewhere. So don't judge. But really, it is tacky as hell, I make no apologies or excuses for it what-so-ever. And she doesn't read this blog anyway, so it's basically like my diary, I just so happen to be sharing it with the rest of the world. That is, if it were a personal story. I'll never tell...well, I'll tell you if you ask. Just ask me.
On to today, which has turned out to be such a great day, because I just won a contest from Apartment Therapy in which I won 2 fabulous pillows. Now how's THAT for a Super Tuesday! One of my wins is pictured above. I rock.
So my words of advice to readerettes today is as follows:
- Enter contests, you can't win if you don't play. The proof is in the pillow.
- Send thank you cards. Nothing says awful like a card that was part of a jumbo batch feed from the laser printer. At least don't send them to me. I require at least a signature created with a Bic pen. Like I said, there are stakes with being friends with people - my payoff is that someone I know might become famous and I can sell the signature to pay my bills. It's why I still have cards saved from my Bat Mitzvah.
- DVR is the best invention ever. The ability to watch shows at my leisure means I can gloat about my pillow win for another ten minutes, grab another Stella, watch 90210 sans commercials, and catch the start of the debate at 9pm on the nose. Everybody plays, everybody wins. Go Ette Six-Pack, go!
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