AT LONG LAST - we win something!!! Phils take the world series! (Nothing "world" about it really, its essentially the america series, but screw it, we're better then every other state. Well ever other state that has a baseball team. But I'm pretty sure we're better than those loser states too, like Delaware - sorry 2.) You suck, we rock and it's awesome. This could be the start of great things for us Philadelphians. Maybe the momentum from this win will carry over...
Next up the Superbowl
then a phila girl wins miss america
then by some miracle I get engaged
then Oprah moves her show to Philly
ooh before that though PA goes firmly dem
then the stock market turns around based on the success of Phila companies like Nabisco - who doesn't like cookies?!
then my boyfriend Mark Ruffolo moves in next door to my parents
then my dog learns to pee outside
and while I'm walking her during a visit with my parents I bump into Mark
then we hit it off
then I have a decision to make now that I'm engaged
then I explain the conflict to Pants
and turns out he's cool with it
then I live with them both
and then Oprah invites us on her show to talk about our unique marital situation
man, dreams can come true. Yay Phils!
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