Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Gardening 101

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Facebook is not your pulpit

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My stupid DVR broke.

Do you know what that's like? I mean I usually make the time to watch my shows the night they air and all, but a girl needs safety back up. What if one of the housewives goes to a fashion show and I don't see what happens cause I can't pause or rewind the thing after I can't hold it anymore and am gonna explode if I don't go pee? Or worse, what if I can't be home at all, and completely miss out on a session with Dr. Weston. You learn so much every time you visit him, how will I ever catch up? Every single day Oprah has an ah-ha moment that I miss. How will I learn, how will I grow? Reading can suck it, I need delicious TV entertainment and I need to watch it on demand.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
A Taste of My Daily Frustration

Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Why I will love this show...
New crush
Anyway, he's cute.

Friday, April 10, 2009
A Brilliant Gem I Should Have Thought Of

Doritos POWder
A fine powder of Nacho Cheese Doritos flavoring. You can put it on buttered rice, toast, tortilla, burgers, steak, beacon, veggies, popcorn or Doritos, anything; accept fruity pebbles, but that is another powder, flapjacks, frenchtoast, etc.
mute button for ears
how about making a gadget to totally mute your ears with a single button, no earplugs or anything, could be done with sonic device of some kind
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The things I will miss this week
Bread, oh bread, you make my sandwiches taste so sandwichey. You go so nicely with a smear of Nutella. When you are toasted, warm butter melts all in your nooks and crannies and you start the morning off right.
Pizza. Hot and crusty, cheesy, delicious
Donuts. Covered in chocolate, filled with cream. Fried dough perfection - I may miss you the most.
Bagels. If I could eat you this week, I wouldn't even scoop you.
Pretzels. Hard, soft, Philly-style. There are so many tasty version of you.
Cereal. I barely ever eat you cereal, but sometimes when I get the urge I know I can. This week though, I can't.
Cake. Hope nobody has a birthday this week. For I cannot eat cake. And without cake, it's hardly a celebration.
Pasta. Oh pasta, hot and al dente, swimming in sauce. You boil up so easy. You fill me up so quickly. I love you pasta.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Why models should just stand there and look hot

Did you hear that shit Gisele said about Bridget Moynahan and her kid with Tom Brady? I’d paraphrase but her own words are too good.
"I understand that he has a mom, and I respect that, but to me it's not like because somebody else delivered him, that's not my child. I feel it is, 100 percent. I want him to have a great relationship with his mom, because that's important, but I love him the same way as if he were mine."
Oh no she di’int. Who says that?! “I want him to have a good relationship with his mom” ?!?! – oh how generous of you. And who calls a kid “it.” Bridge must be shitting a freaking brick. I don’t know what it is about this stupid quote that has me all up in arms, but it’s so crazy. Like if Pants and I break up and he brings some dumb ass girlfriend around my kid, I’d spend all day figuring out how to kill her and get away with it. And I could do it too, I’ve watched enough TV to know how that works. One time when Bam was little Pants had some friends over and one of his friend’s girlfriends was holding my little pup and I almost broke the dog’s neck pulling her away from that girl. I am not having that. Get your own dog loser. Same for you Gisele. She’s probably thrilled that Bridge did the dirty work for her, got the stretch marks, ruined her vadge and now Gisele has a little Tom Jr. to be photographed with. That way she can have her agent start pitching her for mom commercials since she’s too old for Victoria’s Secret.
Have You Seen This Commercial?
Man, those anti-smoking crusaders are really getting the hang of ripping the old heartstrings out. This commercial almost makes you stop breathing while watching what it is like to be a little booger-face who realizes he's all alone in the world. Apparently, these are real tears he's shedding - his REAL mum LITERALLY walked away from him in this crowded place in the name of capturing this emotion on film. (The anti-smoking peeps responded to criticism by saying "the ends justified the means.") Brutal.
I got lost once when I was his age. Except I wasn't upset about it (probably explains a lot, now that I think about it) - rather the mall cops found me talking to Mickey Mouse on the display telephone in the mall Radio Shack. I could have cared less that I was alone in the world; I had Mickey. Keep on smokin.
Interesting analysis

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Speaking of Real Housewives of NYC....

Great Idea

You know what else is a great idea I wish I had thought of? Goldfish snacks. Once you start eating them you can't stop.
Yup, that's all I got. That and the Real Housewives of NYC are my all-time favorite train wreck, and whoever cherry-picked these ladies out of the masses and hoards to be the reality stars they are today, deserves an Emmy. These women make life worth living sometimes - and that is NOT an April Fools Joke....