Bread, oh bread, you make my sandwiches taste so sandwichey. You go so nicely with a smear of Nutella. When you are toasted, warm butter melts all in your nooks and crannies and you start the morning off right.
Pizza. Hot and crusty, cheesy, delicious
Donuts. Covered in chocolate, filled with cream. Fried dough perfection - I may miss you the most.
Bagels. If I could eat you this week, I wouldn't even scoop you.
Pretzels. Hard, soft, Philly-style. There are so many tasty version of you.
Cereal. I barely ever eat you cereal, but sometimes when I get the urge I know I can. This week though, I can't.
Cake. Hope nobody has a birthday this week. For I cannot eat cake. And without cake, it's hardly a celebration.
Pasta. Oh pasta, hot and al dente, swimming in sauce. You boil up so easy. You fill me up so quickly. I love you pasta.
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