OK, I know I'm like a year too late and 15 years too old for this whole Twilight thing, but I had a lot of time on my hands this weekend so I watched the movie. It is what it is, not good, not bad, and I'm really a True Blood girl, but this lead vampire guy Robert Pattinson did something to me. There's just something about him, he's so hot and intense in that good "I want to suck your blood, but won't because I'm in love with you" sort of way. I know that he's 12 and I'm gross, but I had to share my secret inappropriate love. Oh and did you know he was in the Harry Potter movies, he was Cedric - found that out as I was looking for Tiger Beat-type pics of him to post on my office wall. So not hot in HP, he must have hit puberty in between filmings.
Anyway, he's cute.
Dear G-d, would somone do *something* about his hair, though? It is positively out of control!
Vampiric hair perhaps?
I think he looks like a troll doll - Ette1 didn't appreciate that observation.
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