Do you ever have 'Why didn't I think of that?' moments? I do. All the time. Well here's one this morning that I came across...I don't know how long Arianna Huffington has been utilizing this term on her infamous power blog The Huffington Post, but it's sheer genius. This should have been a Kvetchette idea, but alas, we were beat to it.
Dickipedia. On it, Huffy highlights some of the biggest peens in history...such as A-Rod. Mickey Rourke. Leprechauns. Cindy McCain.

You know what else is a great idea I wish I had thought of? Goldfish snacks. Once you start eating them you can't stop.
Yup, that's all I got. That and the Real Housewives of NYC are my all-time favorite train wreck, and whoever cherry-picked these ladies out of the masses and hoards to be the reality stars they are today, deserves an Emmy. These women make life worth living sometimes - and that is NOT an April Fools Joke....
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