And don't even get me started on men's sample sales. Ya'll are worse than women when it comes to deep discounts. God forbid you miss a sample sale of a designer you like, you would think someone just robbed the contents of your Jack Spade bag.
No, I will not go shopping with you, man-o-war. Because I know who gets the short end of the stick on those shopping trips. Yes, it's Ette2 who has to stand (because men's stores don't ever offer the same convenient amenities like seating that women's stores offer for accompanying partners) while you try on pants that you brought into the dressing room even though I told you they wouldn't fit you, and then you hand them out the curtain and make me go scavenge through the piles to find you the right size which I would have done to begin with had you just listened to me. And then I have to listen to you pretend to complain and act sticker shocked when you notice that the "only shirt that fits you" happens to be $265. Hmmmm. Suspect.
Why is it that you consider a $900 handbag, of which will be used daily for at least the next 6 months while breaking it in a waste of money, but you don't seem to think $265 on a dress shirt for work,of which you will wear all of 5 times before you make icky sweat stains under the arms and grossly discolor the collar is a silly investment?
I would like all our man-ettes to think about this over the weekend and provide explanations on Monday to this erratic behavior. Or else you will be seeing a lot of Hermes bags around the house come holiday season, and trust me; they won't contain men's dress shirts.