Today I plead with our sovereign nation over a very serious concern facing the public. It poses health consequences in addition to, to be perfectly blunt, being just plain 'ole foul.
Please, ladies and gentlemen, kvetchees and kvetchettes alike...please I beg of you. Please wash your hands after using the restroom. I would even accept a fake run-your-hands-under-the-faucet-with-no-soap attempt; but those foul individuals out there (and you know who you are my little bacteria mongers) who actually commit the heinous act of using the loo and then, IN THE COMPANY OF OTHERS, swings open that stall door and saunters out of the restroom without so much as a GLANCE at the sink facilities...well you stand in a class all your own. If you can commit this act in front of others, imagine what you choose to do (or neglect to do) in the privacy of your own home?? Shame on you, bacteria transporter.
A WebMD study found that only 77% of men and women "discreetly observed" in public restrooms washed their hands. That remaining 23% live and breath among us in our everyday interaction. EW.
I have always been a fan of the websites that dedicate themselves to "telling" on people; such as the one that provides a forum to rant about annoying neighbors with address locations provided, or the one that lets you hit on people you haven't officially met but had a "brief encounter" with on the train. I am proposing a new site for the Internets --one on which you can tattle on your co-workers, bar or restaurant co-patrons, mall shoppers, etc...and include either a photo of said-culprit taken with your handy camera phone, or a description graphic enough to peg even the most mundane-looking of offenders. If this site took off, then boyfriends, husbands, wives, sisters, friends, coworkers around the globe could finally bear witness to the stinky hands they've been holding/shaking/kissing and put an end to this traveling of germs once and for all.
Please, ladies and gentlemen, kvetchees and kvetchettes alike...please I beg of you. Please wash your hands after using the restroom. I would even accept a fake run-your-hands-under-the-faucet-with-no-soap attempt; but those foul individuals out there (and you know who you are my little bacteria mongers) who actually commit the heinous act of using the loo and then, IN THE COMPANY OF OTHERS, swings open that stall door and saunters out of the restroom without so much as a GLANCE at the sink facilities...well you stand in a class all your own. If you can commit this act in front of others, imagine what you choose to do (or neglect to do) in the privacy of your own home?? Shame on you, bacteria transporter.
A WebMD study found that only 77% of men and women "discreetly observed" in public restrooms washed their hands. That remaining 23% live and breath among us in our everyday interaction. EW.
I have always been a fan of the websites that dedicate themselves to "telling" on people; such as the one that provides a forum to rant about annoying neighbors with address locations provided, or the one that lets you hit on people you haven't officially met but had a "brief encounter" with on the train. I am proposing a new site for the Internets --one on which you can tattle on your co-workers, bar or restaurant co-patrons, mall shoppers, etc...and include either a photo of said-culprit taken with your handy camera phone, or a description graphic enough to peg even the most mundane-looking of offenders. If this site took off, then boyfriends, husbands, wives, sisters, friends, coworkers around the globe could finally bear witness to the stinky hands they've been holding/shaking/kissing and put an end to this traveling of germs once and for all.
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