As if we aren't all tired enough of the Britney Debacles, a new story has surfaced that Miss Mess-ny has sunk to new all-time lows; and paraded through the ultimate "Do Not Cross" line as far as women everywhere are concerned. While shopping at the Hustler store in West Hollywood (yes, as if that's not bad enough), she threw a fit when told she couldn't try on panties, and certainly couldn't try things on without her own underwear on. In predictable time-bomb Brit-fashion, she proceeded to strip down to her bare bush in the middle of the store, threw on a pair of Hustler's skivvies, and threw a tantrum when the staff, horrified, told her she couldn't do that in the middle of their store. And then she stole a wig on her way out.
Does this story even need a kvetch?! Will someone please put her out of her misery already?! I am definitely adding her to my celebrity death pool, and transferring all my funds directly into hedging that bet.
Does this story even need a kvetch?! Will someone please put her out of her misery already?! I am definitely adding her to my celebrity death pool, and transferring all my funds directly into hedging that bet.
see, i told you fools, she's nuttier than a call girl wearing arabian goggles and tossin' salad!
people can say whatever they want about Britney, but I can attest that those panties smelled clean as a whistle after she tried 'em on and you could barely see that stain at all.
She is dead to me.
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