With the holidays approaching people start to get in the gift-getting mode. They think of all the things they'd like to have and start dropping not so subtle hints to loved ones. But with boys, why is it always gaming systems? Last year my boyfriend was begging for a PSP, this year my little brother wants a PS3 - P.S. guys this shit is stupid. You have had basically every gaming system in creation. Remember atari - you had then, then there were all kinds of computer games we had to buy, then came nintendo - you had that and like a million games for it, then you needed the nintendo hand held and all the games for that, then you upgraded to play station with games on cds, then came the Wii - you didn't get that but your roommate did, so at least you got to play with it. When exactly does it stop? Why is it that you won't be happy unless the computer game is actually simulating a person being blown apart in full color 3D virtual reality crazyness? Do you know how many pairs of Louboutins you could have had for the money that went to all those gaming systems and accessories! I sort of understand the draw for children and I enjoy a fierce guitar hero set as much as the next guy, but now that you are all knocking on 30's door - what is the need for games all about? I'm tired of all the freaking wires attached to the TV. This year I'm getting you a shesh besh board and a roll of quarters for the arcade, knock yourself out.
1 comment:
Not very nice. You just don't get it. Oh, and Nintendo hand-held? Try Gameboy, retard.
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