I got a flu shot this year for the first time. Not because I wanted one but because my sister told me I have to since I’m around the baby a lot. So my arm still hurts, and coupled with the bowling tourney this weekend (which I rocked) and my carpal tunnel acting up, I can barely even type this post though the pain. I’ll soldier on I suppose. The thing is I’ve never had the flu, and I don’t really know anyone who has had it either. I know people who’ve said "I’m feeling like I’m coming down with the flu," or described their symptoms as fluey, and I’ve probably called out of work once or twice claiming flu, but the truth is I never had it and I’m not even sure what it is. I’ve had a bad cold here and there maybe – is that the same thing? But now having had the damn shot, I’m starting to feel a little achy and tired, and I think the flu is coming on. They say that can happen, you get a little bout of it when they give you the shot. So my conclusions are: 1. the flu doesn’t even really exist, it’s some myth that the pharm companies created to sell vaccines, 2. people with carpal tunnel shouldn’t bowl – even if they are wicked awesome at it, 3. I think I need to take the day off because I’m feeling fluey.
That's a sweet ass-hat.
Actually, the fact that the flu shot can give you the flu is a myth. As John Stossel would say "Give me a break"! Try watching 20/20 sometime.
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