So go ahead, hit comment with your little index finger poised over that mouse. Tell us you love us or hate us. Make us feel appreciated, will you?
I hate that game. It shouldn’t even be called a game because it’s devoid of fun. And we all know “fun is the name of the game,” if it’s not fun, it’s not a game, then it’s just practice, or basically a test. It takes forever to finish one match. If there is a time limit to take your turn, then that’s not how my friends play, it just goes on forever until someone throws all their letters on the floor, or cries, or gives up and just starts putting down words like “on” or “to” just to finish. How many words can you make out of “x, r, o, e, u, k and n” (Pants this is a rhetorical question, don’t bother commenting with all the variations of words you can come up with.) And then the board gets all closed up, and when by some miracle you have an amazing seven letter word like “q,u,a,r,t,z,y” there’s no where to put it down, so you end up placing “rat” somewhere. Then there’s the requisite fight about what’s really a word or not, “vots” is not a word. And since I don’t have a dictionary in the house, it goes on all night. So the only way to make it bearable is to cheat. I insist on being the first to put down a word in every game, to get that first word double score bonus. Then of course when I choose an all vowel set of letters, they are going right back for another draw, and I’m not losing a turn for that shit. Then whenever I win it’s totally discounted because they say I cheated. Whatever, it’s all not worth it. And for the record 2 and Husbandette we are not playing Scrabble on game night no matter how much Pants begs. It’s Pictionary and Scategories all the way.
The only drawback was not enjoying the show from the comfort of my couch. I guess I’m like a thousand-year-old woman these days, but I can’t tell you how annoyed I was by all the qays shrieking laughing in the audience, and of course there was one girl who sat right behind me who repeated every goddamned thing Kathy said. “OMG she said vagina, did you hear that, she just said vagina.” “Oh no Scientology, she’s talking about Scientology,” I wanted to kill this girl. And then we were sitting by the aisle and for some reason every freaking person in my row wanted to get up at least twice during the show, then of course they have to come back and we have to stand up all over again. I know I should just suck it up and enjoy a fun night out for a live performance but that’s not in my nature.
And yet, it was an awesome night. Thanks Felize and Babies!
Is it really bad to pick your nose? I mean I know it’s sorta gross, and unhygienic, but it’s not really hurting anyone and who cares what parts of my own body I touch?! This thing is I love to pick. There is nothing more satisfying when you know something’s up there, you can just feel it, it’s big and kinda wet, and then you pick and out comes this giant mass of bodily fluid and hardened inner nose junk. And you can’t get it with a tissue or by blowing. Especially in the dry air during winter, and colds running rampant, it’s prime booger time, and nothing does the job like a pointer finger can. Then when you get it, the questions is what do you do with it. Sometimes you want to squeeze it between two fingers, get a real feel for the thing; is it mostly snot, is it mostly hardened? Then if a tissue is around I’ll deposit it, but more often then not, that thing is getting flicked. Sometimes when it’s unflickable it gets stuck between couch cushions or under a chair, sorry but it’s true. So I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m a picker, and I try not to do it in public. I live in fear that there are cameras in my office and they capture me with my finger up there all day. But when I’m at home, I don’t even think about it, I’ll watch an entire episode of Jon & Kate plus 8 with my finger up nose, unconsciously digging away and then flicking. Poor Pants thinks it’s disgusting, but then I remind him that while I’m picking he’s farting into the couch cushions so the point is mute. All of this is really a non-issue but I had a flash forward to when I’m a parent and what my kids are gonna think. It’s all fine and good when you are young and it’s sorta cute to be gross, but no one wants a middle-aged fat woman on the couch picking her nose. Hopefully by then they’ll invent some sort of booger-be-gone nose spray or something so you avoid the picking all together. Till then, I'm picking.
And a side note from Leia:
" Bam, I tried to be nice. I tried to play with you. I am 150 times your size and like the gentle giant I am I let you walk all over me. Those days are done. Next time you show up here in your little wussy carrying purse I'mma wrestle you down with my paw and just hold you there where I will lick your face for an hour, biatch."
Here’s what’s good about Bam:
Steve Romaniello, CFE President and CEO, FOCUS Brands, Inc. | ||
Steve Romaniello is the president and CEO of FOCUS Brands, Inc., majority owner of Carvel Corporation, Cinnabon, Inc., Schlotzsky’s Ltd., and Seattle's Best Coffee International. Prior to accepting this post, Steve was president and chief operating officer of US Franchise Systems (USFS). Before joining USFS, he was Holiday Inn Worldwide’s youngest vice president, responsible for franchise sales in the U.S., Canada and the Caribbean, as well as for the franchise services, support and training for 1,700 hotels in the region operating under the Holiday Inn and Crowne Plaza brands. From 1988 to 1991, he held various positions with Days Inn of America. A native of Stamford, CT and a Tufts University graduate, he is a member of the Board of Directors of Fast Signs, the leading franchisor in the sign and graphics industry; the International Franchise Association (IFA); the IFA’s Diversity Institute; and the Atlanta Franchise Alliance. Steve also serves on the Leadership Advisory Council for the Elliot Leadership Institute. Carvel Retail Stores/Food Service Toll Free: 1-800-322-4848 301 Congress Ave., Suite 1100 Austin, TX 78701 512-236-3829 Fax: 512-236-3700 Hours: M-F, 8am-6pm CST |
Next time, I'm extending my trip, taking a flight during normal waking hours and then calling out of work on Monday to recover. It's the only way to travel.
"Kvetch" is a word of Yiddish origin, literally meaning "to squeeze." Idiomatically, it roughly means "to complain."
"ette" is from Smurfette, the only female smurf until the creation of Sassette.
If you don't get it by now, just forget it.