I had a bad feeling about going to see Sweeney Todd this weekend, but in an effort to uphold my resolution to be more amenable and compromising, I decided to go ahead and against my better judgement give it a shot. Heck it had Johnny Depp, how bad could it be? Well it could be bad. It's partly my fault for not researching properly, but turns out it's a musical. Do you know how disappointing it is to sit down in a theater expecting a regular flick and they start singing, and then don't stop?! It sucks. The whole thing is really dark and depressing and gets really bloody in the end; I'm sure I'm not giving anything away by saying it doesn't have a happy ending. Save the 12 bucks and protect your teeth from those pesky popcorn kernels and watch My Cousin Vinny on HBO - it's classic.

"What kind of grits were they??"
"Uhhh, regulah... I guess."
"The two what? What'd you say?"
"The two 'utes. Utes."
"The two what? What is a 'ute?"
Agree wholeheartedly Ette1. And mr. pants - thanks for that bit of movie flashback fun.
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