Is it really bad to pick your nose? I mean I know it’s sorta gross, and unhygienic, but it’s not really hurting anyone and who cares what parts of my own body I touch?! This thing is I love to pick. There is nothing more satisfying when you know something’s up there, you can just feel it, it’s big and kinda wet, and then you pick and out comes this giant mass of bodily fluid and hardened inner nose junk. And you can’t get it with a tissue or by blowing. Especially in the dry air during winter, and colds running rampant, it’s prime booger time, and nothing does the job like a pointer finger can. Then when you get it, the questions is what do you do with it. Sometimes you want to squeeze it between two fingers, get a real feel for the thing; is it mostly snot, is it mostly hardened? Then if a tissue is around I’ll deposit it, but more often then not, that thing is getting flicked. Sometimes when it’s unflickable it gets stuck between couch cushions or under a chair, sorry but it’s true. So I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m a picker, and I try not to do it in public. I live in fear that there are cameras in my office and they capture me with my finger up there all day. But when I’m at home, I don’t even think about it, I’ll watch an entire episode of Jon & Kate plus 8 with my finger up nose, unconsciously digging away and then flicking. Poor Pants thinks it’s disgusting, but then I remind him that while I’m picking he’s farting into the couch cushions so the point is mute. All of this is really a non-issue but I had a flash forward to when I’m a parent and what my kids are gonna think. It’s all fine and good when you are young and it’s sorta cute to be gross, but no one wants a middle-aged fat woman on the couch picking her nose. Hopefully by then they’ll invent some sort of booger-be-gone nose spray or something so you avoid the picking all together. Till then, I'm picking.
Worst (and unsaid) part of all this? Due to space limitations at Ette1's private lair, she is never more than five feet from tissues.
Nose pickers UNITE! In the immortal words of Lord Beetlejuice, we should all "save that guy for later." And yes, although he was technically referencing phlegm or a loogie, snot-masters across the globe know the same principles apply here.
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