Thoughts on Bam:
- She's cute, I'll give her that. Something about shivering uncontrollably no matter the weather makes her cute, I guess. Or it means she should try eating more, cuz bitch's bones are not coated.
- Her snarl is bananas...it begins when you are as far as 10 feet away, then she masks it in a "hmm, I guess you can come closer kind of way," and when you are right up on her she breaks out the meanest, leanest gnarly snarl you've ever seen. For a dog of her size, she certainly knows how to freak a sister out.
- She is such a tease. She tap dances across your lap, and when you think she is going to settle in and be snuggly, she snarls and flies off you; which you can't feel anyway because she weighs less than a pencil.
- Her booties are cute, yes, but I imagine those little hand knit things have to be hand-washed as well, and as they are so tiny, they could slip down the drain very easily. Hence more money needs to be spent on the dog's wardrobe than her owner's.
- She turns Ette1's entire apartment into her lair; wee wee pads everywhere. It's an interesting take on wall to wall carpet, but I prefer my dog doing her business out back in the pachysandra.
And a side note from Leia:
" Bam, I tried to be nice. I tried to play with you. I am 150 times your size and like the gentle giant I am I let you walk all over me. Those days are done. Next time you show up here in your little wussy carrying purse I'mma wrestle you down with my paw and just hold you there where I will lick your face for an hour, biatch."
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