I hate that game. It shouldn’t even be called a game because it’s devoid of fun. And we all know “fun is the name of the game,” if it’s not fun, it’s not a game, then it’s just practice, or basically a test. It takes forever to finish one match. If there is a time limit to take your turn, then that’s not how my friends play, it just goes on forever until someone throws all their letters on the floor, or cries, or gives up and just starts putting down words like “on” or “to” just to finish. How many words can you make out of “x, r, o, e, u, k and n” (Pants this is a rhetorical question, don’t bother commenting with all the variations of words you can come up with.) And then the board gets all closed up, and when by some miracle you have an amazing seven letter word like “q,u,a,r,t,z,y” there’s no where to put it down, so you end up placing “rat” somewhere. Then there’s the requisite fight about what’s really a word or not, “vots” is not a word. And since I don’t have a dictionary in the house, it goes on all night. So the only way to make it bearable is to cheat. I insist on being the first to put down a word in every game, to get that first word double score bonus. Then of course when I choose an all vowel set of letters, they are going right back for another draw, and I’m not losing a turn for that shit. Then whenever I win it’s totally discounted because they say I cheated. Whatever, it’s all not worth it. And for the record 2 and Husbandette we are not playing Scrabble on game night no matter how much Pants begs. It’s Pictionary and Scategories all the way.
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