How it's possible that I (1) grew up in the burbs, (2) went to a state school and (3) reached the ripe old age of 29 without ever knowing what 4/20 was is beyond me. But I found out last week. Someone asked if I had plans for the weekend, to which I replied matzah but that's about it, she seemed surprised. Then she said they were celebrating her friends b-day on Sunday but he was bummed because no one ever really cares about it. Why I asked, what's the big deal about 4/20 - it's Hitler's B-day but that can't be the only reason not to celebrate. She was incredulous that I didn't know why 4/20 was significant. So I did a little research, and check out the Wikipedia explanation below, I'm actually pretty surprised I didn't know about this either - seems like just the kind of thing I'd be into. Unfortunately I didn't get to commemorate the important day because my supplier was at home seeing the dentist. Oh well, there's always next year.
420 (cannabis culture)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
4:20 or 4/20 (pronounced four-twenty) is a term used in North America as a discreet way to refer to the consumption of cannabis and, by extension, a way to identify oneself with the drug subculture around cannabis. Phrases such as "420 friendly" sometimes appear in roommate advertisements, indicating that the current occupants are tolerant of cannabis users.[2]
Origins and observances
Although many diverse theories exist to explain the origin of the term, one central root of the phrase stems from a group of teenagers at San Rafael High School in San Rafael, California in 1971; the teens would meet after school at 4:20 p.m. to smoke cannabis at the Louis Pasteur statue.[3][4] The term became part of their group's salute, "420 Louis!",[5] and became popularized in the late 1980s by fans of The Grateful Dead.[6] Many North American cannabis users continue to observe 4:20 as a time to smoke communally. By extension April 20 ("4/20" in U.S. dating shorthand) has evolved into a counterculture holiday, where people gather to celebrate and consume cannabis.[7][8][9] In some locations this celebration coincides with Earth Week.[10][11][12]
You're not as up on your pop culture as I thought you'd be. You were a latecommer to Chuck Norris facts, you've never Rick Roll'd anyone/nor have ever gotten Rick Roll'd, and now you're just hearing about 4/20 (how do you pronounce that again?) even with Potsy McSmokespot as your bf?!?!
I can't wait till your next article on snap bracelets.
Who else but ette1?
Wow -- lawyerette even knew that!
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