Lunch has been bothering me lately. Where I am working, the pickin's are slim. There is an on-site cafe, which is really giving it more credit than is due. There are only two employees of this cafe - they both work the grill and the cash register, which means you usually have to wait for one or the other. This cafe's selection rotates daily, but includes one soup, a sad excuse for a salad bar, one kind of pizza, and one "entree." Now this entree usually involves the same ingredients as are on the pizza, or the same ingredients as will show up in tomorrow morning's egg scramble or tomorrow's pizza. And for some reason, the key ingredient is usually pork. Now sometimes they sway, like today was Chicken Caesar Salad. That was the "entree." Yes, you heard me state earlier that there is also a salad bar, so doing a chicken Caesar salad is sort of redundant as the salad bar does provide lettuce, chicken and Caesar dressing. However, you get the guy in the chef's hat to toss it in a metal bowl for you - that definitely authenticates it, right? Seriously - when did creativity wither up when it comes to lunchtime? I'm not saying there should be Porterhouses on the menu. But give a girl an udon soup and not Broccoli Cheese every day. Give me a nice panini, grilled and toasty. Give me a little turkey burger. Give me a nice piece of fish. Give me healthy choices, for crying out loud!!
Nope. Salty pork, greasy pizza (with pork on it) or Caesar salad. No wonder our nation is fat. Now because of this lunch conundrum, the ladies room is always out of order. There is usually one of four stalls that remains operational but the other three forget about it. Why? Because of the Lunchtime Burglar. The one that provides greasy, nasty food and then makes you have to poo it all out. Not a good call at work, but I swear, more often than not, I gotta go.
Enjoy your pork teriyaki kids.
There are these containery things called 'lunch bags' or, alternatively, 'lunch boxes'. The intent is to create a food item of your choice the night before you need it and transport it using this lunch conveyance, to your place of work.
I understand that this may be a foreign concept to a worldly person such as yourself. But check it out. You may be able to prepare and then actually eat something that isn't made from ground up, dried cow ears or chicken beaks.
It's a thought. And of course it's the thought that counts.
True dat!
I've got some pork for you...
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