Oy, why all the player haters on Obama? I mean really - if the best thing haters (ahem, Ette1) can come up with is that the man smokes cigs, well I say let's vote him in to office tomorrow. It's certainly a hell of a lot less scandalous than some of the other things we've uncovered about our politician friends.
So what - he puffs to relieve stress. Would it be better if he were a closet alcoholic or if he binged whenever he got stressed? I can't judge the man by something like that. As an ex-smoker, someone who puffed the sticks for years and years, I know it's gross, but it also makes you feel damn good, and it does relieve stress, in addition to keeping thin. If Obama is gonna be our prez, he's not going to have time to go to the gym b/c obviously the mess he is being left with thanks to this current administration is going to have him busy about 23.5 hours out of the day. So a little puff puff to take the edge off and make dealing with scumbag politicians and cronies around the globe a little easier? So be it.
Hil gets stressed and she cries. Maybe she should try the Marlboro method herself. And let's spend our time badmouthing McCain instead, because from the looks of this picture, he thinks he has the presidency by the balls, so it's high time to put him in his place.
Smart. Good point girlfriend.
Smoking kills and smokers kill others. Obama better lay that pack aside before it kills him in the polls and in the lungs. That's all we need a a role model. Jeeze!
Crap, I meant "IN" a role model. This smoking thing makes me so upset I can't spell.
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