The big idea everyone loved was to create a CSI crime scene featuring bad hair. And have David Caruso host. I got yelled at for being too negative about the concept - No bad ideas in a brainstorm! I actually don't agree that there are no bad ideas but everyone told me to shut up, so there you have it. I have to write up this ridiculous concept to present to my client. They are looking for an upscale, elegant, salon-quality hair event to impress editors, and I have to write that editors will put on detective hats and try to solve the "hair crime" with our new products. Argh. Fourth graders could have come up with a more strategic idea.

Yes, this is obviously the guy you want pimping hair products.
1 comment:
One of the products should definitely be called (Said Company) DNA, or Daily Nourishment Acumen. I expect royalties, honey.
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