1) Korova Milk Bar is the actual Korova from the East Village. It's true. It's not an impostor as 1 tried to imply. However, husbandette and I aren't the only brainiettes out there who have figured out that real estate and that thing they call good 'ole quality-of-life exists north of the border, and thus the cool East Village rock-n-roll cats who opened Korova decades ago moved to White Plains to live a sweeter life with a "yard" and decided the commute back to the dredges of alphabet city were just not worth it, thus they picked up their entire operation and moved it due north. The crowd, music and quality of beverage however I can not attest to. But don't let 1 fool you, she was shakin' her booty with the best of 'em.
2) I didn't show my panties. I wouldn't do that - those are FHEO (for husband's eyes only) and I don't think it's very ladylike and all that.
3) Ice cream? What ice cream? I missed that. I must have been busy pulling my dress back down..
4) Playstation is the root of all evil. At least it was until my amazing, smart, wonderful brother's gift arrived. Basically, I just got a contract offer from a record label - for mah GUITAR HERO SKILLZZZZ.....so thanks bro. You rock. No, actually, I rock...so thanks.
Bottom line, my birthday rocked the charts, my friends are wunnnnderful, my husband is handsome and spectacular and a great surpriser of specialness. And being (gulp) 30 ain't so bad. In fact, today was testament to the fact that things are only looking up from here...
So the inter-Ette "playing around" WAS true!
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