Ok, this needs to be discussed.
Have you heard of this family – the Duggars? Of course I’m obsessed with TLC so I know their whole life story, but if you think Jon & Kate Plus 8 are bad, wait until you see this family. This couple Jim Bob (that’s right, that’s what he goes by, not just Jim, its Jim Bob) and Michelle have 17 kids and the 18th is on the way. This poor deflated balloon of a woman has been pregnant for 135 months of her life – that’s right, she’s been pregnant for more than 11 years in total – and guess what guys, it’s always a natural birth. I can’t even imagine what the size of her whooha is, she must have to tape it together just to walk around without peeing all the time. Of course they are some ridiculous Christian faith that doesn’t believe in birth control. Technically if I were a really good Jew, I wouldn’t either. Basically the only time you are supposed to do it is to conceive a child – but since we don’t still stone adulterers (though maybe we should consider bringing that one back) I feel its ok to go light on the Bible baby making rule. Not the Duggars though. And beyond the fact that they dress like pilgrims from that Big Love ranch and “home school” their kids, they do so many creepy things, like give all their kids “J” names. There’s even an online contest for what they might name their next kid, Jason, Jesus, Janiqua… I barely have enough love inside of me for my boyfriend and my dog, I can’t imagine how these people love 18 kids. But they aren’t in debt and don’t ask for handouts, so I guess it’s fine. But I do worry about those kids, I’m riddled with anxiety from middle child syndrome and I only have two siblings, what must all those poor Js be going through…
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