No Country for Old Men? More like No Patience for This Movie.
Ette2 gives it TWO thumbs down. And if anyone wants to buy a copy of said movie on BlueRay, I'm sellin' it to the highest bidder. I might even pay YOU to take this movie from my possession.
Uhhh...try Blu-Ray
I strongly disagree with this "review." Whilst No County For Old Men most certainly did NOT live up to the hype, it was far from a double-thumbs- down. The ending was questionable at best, but I did find the tension and build up during the film's first 90minutes to be absolutely delicious.
Come on, it was the best film of the year, bar none. Sure, the ending was a little anti-climatic, but the Brothers Coen let you do the dirty work in your mind.
Besides, Javier Bardem played the best villian since Hannibal Lechter in SOTL.
Now I'm hungry. Anyone have some fava beans?
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