If you are reading this then you probably are, I know most of you. Can't speak for 2's side but if you are friend/family of 1 then I know you and I know you are in fact a nerd. Sissette - don't deny it, she still sticks her A+ papers on the fridge and she's 32. Lawyerette - come on all lawyers are nerds, sorry Husbandette but it's true. Brette - total nerd. Pants, you think you are not a nerd but you watch NY1 all day and love Scrabble - that's nerdy. I'm a nerd too I guess, I mean I'm not cool and I guess the opposite is nerd so it's fine, let's embrace it. The reason I bring it up is because if you are a nerd like me, you might enjoy taking a grammar quiz. King Nerd Pants showed me this and now I'm obsessed.
Check out this site... there are bunch of grammar tests, the below is the one I've been doing. I think my highest score was a 90%, which is awesome because I suck majorly at grammar and spelling obviously. See if you can do better, report your scores in the comments section. You know you have time for this, you are all nerds so it's not like you have a hot date tonight or anything!
AP-All -- 20 random questions from all the AP quizzes
See the sample test below, hard right?! OK, well actually this one is easy, but the rest are hard. See for yourself.
If a negotiator hears the evidence, then hands down a decision, that person is:
1. ? a mediator
2. ? an arbitrator
Indicate the correct form in AP Style:
1. ? men's wear
2. ? menswear
Which is correct according to AP Style?
1. ? baby-boomer
2. ? baby boomer
3. ? Baby-Boomer
4. ? Baby Boomer
One meter is approximately
1. ? 0.54 yard
2. ? 39.5 inches
3. ? 1,760 grams
4. ? 3.54 centimeters
Choose the correct AP spelling:
1. ? judgement
2. ? judgment
The cappuccino costs nearly ________.
1. ? 6 dollars
2. ? six dollars
3. ? $6.00
4. ? $6
The accountant _________ her to keep accurate records of her expenses.
1. ? counciled
2. ? counseled
The executive forwarded his many ________ to each of the major _______.
1. ? memorandums, media
2. ? memoranda, media
What is the median of 1, 3, 5, 6 and 30?
1. ? 9
2. ? 12.5
3. ? 5
During football games, members of the ________ can be found at most ______.
1. ? mediums, stadia
2. ? media, stadiums
3. ? mediums, stadiums
4. ? media, stadia
Choose the correct spelling;
1. ? liason
2. ? liaison
As a sailor, he was familiar with ______ terms.
1. ? navel
2. ? naval
In an election 10,000 votes were cast. The winner received 7,000 votes. The other three candidates combined received 3,000. The winner had a majority of __________ votes.
1. ? 4,000
2. ? 3,000
3. ? 7,000
4. ? 20,000
The resolution contained too many _______ to be effective.
1. ? "ifs"
2. ? "if"s
3. ? "if's"
According to family history, his grandmother ran off with a _________ of actors.
1. ? troop
2. ? troupe
About 50 cars each day ______ towed for illegal parking.
1. ? is
2. ? are
There are _______ cups to the pint.
1. ? two
2. ? 16
3. ? eight
4. ? 32
The milk ________ on the table.
1. ? spilt
2. ? spilled
Hitchiking from California, he was stranded for _________ in Nevada.
1. ? awhile
2. ? a while
Her whereabouts _____ still unknown.
1. ? is
2. ? are
thanks for the shout out little broette.
I got a 74% on AP Stylebook E. I'm not sure what this score says about my nerdosity, but I figure the use of words like nerdosity makes a strong case for non-nerd status consideration.
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