Can't confirm yet, but there's a lot of news that Madonna and Guy Ritchie are splitting up and the latest from a reputable London newspaper says they've lawyered up. Now here's the thing. I knew this would happen, famous people can't be married, I've said it time and time again, but this one makes me a little sad. I liked them together, they celebrated Purim together and that appealed to my Jewessness. I didn't even care that Madonna turned British for him. The Brits are way cooler than us, I totally got that. It's just sad that they just adopted little David and now they are splitting up. But there's no getting around it, celeb relationships don't last...
I'm talking to you Angie and Brad,
and to you Eva and Tony Parker,
and Michael and Catherine
and Beyonce and J
and JLo and Skeletor
and Nicole and Joel
and even sadly Tori and Dean
Sorry that it won't work out for you guys, just remember - don't do anything on tape or leave voicemails that could be recorded and basically avoid capturing on film of any sort any type of language or action you don't want the world to see, let's all learn a lesson from Denise and Charlie please.
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