You know the ones, when nothing seems to be easy. People act selfish. No one returns your calls. You can't move forward. You feel let down. Your shower is cold. Your "change oil" message comes on in your car. Your lunch looks gross. Your coffee is burned. You delete a voice mail you didn't mean to. Your computer crashes. The line at the pharmacy is super long. Your morning radio show is a repeat. The tabloids are boring. You don't have a vacation any time soon. You didn't sleep last night. You can't get the dumbest, worst song ever out of your head. Your family annoys you. You ruin dinner three nights in a row. You go out to eat on the fourth night, and it sucks too. You try a new hairstyle and halfway through the day you realize, after having not looked at yourself in the mirror for four hours that it looks ridiculous. You find out that you've had a sesame seed stuck between your two front teeth all day and no one told you. Your dog doesn't even want to snuggle you. Your DVR doesn't record your favorite show like it's supposed to. You get a stupid oil droplet stain on something brand new because it splashes from the salad precariously stabbed on a fork. You feel like you got fat overnight. You realize that you don't have nearly as much money as you thought you did. You just read through this whole list, related to most of it, and now feel even worse.
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