1) Yes, that's a scarf on her head. Ill-placed, sort of Taraholic-like, maybe she fell when she was drunk and cut her head, and it's really a bandage holding her brains in.
2) Toe overhang. Nothing is grosser than spiky slut heels that are too small for you, forcing your fugly toes to hang over the edge and scrape the red carpet. That's hottttt.
3) Her dress is wrinkled. And not in a "I was in the car for an hour, it has some creases, it's normal" kind of way. Nope. In the "this tacky dress was scrunched up into a ball the size of a shot glass" (which is where she found it - actually stuffed inside a shot glass) and then pulled out, slipped into, and off she goes.
This is Girl Interrupted waiting to happen...
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