OK, I am extremely unhappy today. I was sitting on my bed two nights ago, probably filing my nails or something, when I got bit by something on my arm. Didn’t notice the little bugger anywhere, but figured it was a mosquito or spider or something. Well this thing has been itching like a mother and it blew up and looks like a giant red welt on my arm. So I’m strolling around the office bitching about it when my friend takes a closer look, she had a concerned face on and then walks me over to talk to someone else in the office. She looks at my arm and they give each other, knowing, serious looks. Then they say the dreaded words BED BUGS.
I tear up almost immediately. They both had them and think this looks eerily like a bed bug bite. So I spent the rest of the afternoon googling bed bugs to compare and read about how to get rid of them. Guess what it’s almost fucking impossible to get rid of them. You basically have to burn your clothes and move. So now in addition to the most intense, painful itch on my arm, that could last for two weeks or more, I’m dying to get home and inspect the rest of the place. My poor little Bam is probably at home under attack right now.
So I make my round of whinning calls to anyone who will listen and sis-ette says, “funny you mention it, husband’s BF has bed bugs bad and was over the other night?!?!@!?!” Thanks a lot guys. If I have the bugs, you better put me up in a swank hotel while my place is being fumigated or better yet burned for insurance money. ARGH, I really need to move.
Good thing you've decided to stay in the NYC. Maybe your next apartment can have cockroaches.
Ah. So it wasn't me, as you immediately insinuated. I could bite you myself right about now.
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