and the city.
In total agreement with 2 on this one. Best movie I ever saw? No, but satisfying and fun and made me cry and laugh and it was exactly what I was hoping for. But the bigger story as 2 noted was the craziness at the theater. Pants was one of five men in the multi-plex, three of them were gay - I secretly think he loved it, like he had his choice of a thousand women, when of course he was with me, so he had no choices, and I spent most of my time telling him how dumb and annoying all those girls were, sort of ruined the fantasy I'm sure. I was basically wearing my weekend play pants and a top with baby vomit on it - because I was in a freaking theater and it doesn't matter what you wear. But for some reason I was the only person who felt that way. I've never seen so many strapless dresses and sequins at a movie since we saw Pricilla Queen of the Desert. Tight-ass jeans, high-ass heels, make up galore and backless tops, it was crazy. But the clothes weren't the worst part, the ridiculous behavior was. The girls were freaking out, they all had cameras and were posing with one another, and entire rows stood to get their picture taken in front of the screen. At one point before it started some girl in the front turned around to ask the entire audience if anyone had a wine opener... you mean to tell me you thought about bringing a whole bottle of wine to a movie but didn't think of something to open it with? And I don't know about you, but wine makes me sleepy (before it makes me pukey of course) and it makes me have to pee; sleepy and need to pee are not a good combo for a movie that's two and a half hours long. Also not a good combo are me, Pants and stinky girls in the next row. Instead of freezing us out like most theaters do, Kips Bay decided to save some money on the air conditioning and it was all hot and sweaty. And some tubby bitch behind us was in desperate need of Summer's Eve, man was she foldin hoagies. In all it was a fun night and I get to do it all over again on Monday with the girls from the office... this time I'll bring I wine opener and maybe some of the girls will share with me so I can get a good nap in instead of seeing the same long ass movie two days in a row.
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